One of the percent-decoded path parameters is not a valid UTF8 string.
URL parameters must be percent-encoded whenever they contain characters that are not
URL safe—e.g. whitespaces.
Pavex automatically percent-decodes URL parameters before trying to deserialize them
in PathParams<T>.
This error is returned whenever the percent-decoding step fails—i.e. the decoded data is not a
valid UTF8 string.
One of our routes is /address/:address_id.
We receive a request with /address/the%20street as path—address_id is set to
the%20street and Pavex automatically decodes it into the street.
We could also receive a request using /address/dirty%DE~%C7%1FY as path—address_id, when
decoded, is a sequence of bytes that cannot be interpreted as a well-formed UTF8 string.
This error is then returned.