Module pavex::request::path

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Extract data from the URL of incoming requests.


When it comes to route information, there are two important extractors to be aware of:

  • PathParams: extract path parameters from the URL of incoming requests
  • MatchedPathPattern: extract the route template that matched for the incoming request

Check out their documentation for more details.

§Example: path parameters

use pavex::f;
use pavex::blueprint::{router::GET, Blueprint, constructor::Lifecycle};
use pavex::request::path::PathParams;

fn blueprint() -> Blueprint{
    let mut bp = Blueprint::new();
    // [...]
    // Register a route with a path parameter, `:home_id`.
    bp.route(GET, "/home/:home_id", f!(crate::get_home));

// The PathParams attribute macro derives the necessary (de)serialization traits.
struct Home {
    // The name of the field must match the name of the path parameter
    // used in `bp.route`.
    home_id: u32

// The `PathParams` extractor deserializes the extracted path parameters into
// the type you specified—`Home` in this case.
fn get_home(params: &PathParams<Home>) -> String {
   format!("The identifier for this home is: {}", params.0.home_id)

Check out PathParams’ documentation for more details.


  • Errors that can happen when extracting path parameters.


Attribute Macros§

  • Derive (de)serialization logic for a type that is going to be used to extract path parameters.