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Raw path parameters

PathParams<T> is a high-level interface: it bundles together compile-time checks, extraction and parsing.
If you want to opt out of all those utilities, reach for RawPathParams.
RawPathParams is a lower-level interface1: it gives you access to the dynamic path segments as they appear right after extraction. It doesn't perform percent-decoding nor deserialization.


RawPathParams is a framework primitive, you don't have to register a constructor to inject it.

use pavex::http::StatusCode;
use pavex::request::path::RawPathParams;

pub fn handler(params: &RawPathParams) -> StatusCode {
    for (name, value) in params.iter() {
        println!("`{name}` was set to `{}`", value.as_str());
    // [...]

What does "raw" mean?

Path parameters must comply with the restriction of the URI specification: you can only use a limited set of characters.
If you want to use a character not allowed in a URI, you must percent-encode it.
For example, if you want to send 123 456 as a route parameter, you must encode it as 123%20456 where %20 is a percent-encoded whitespace.

RawPathParams gives you access to the raw route parameters, i.e. the route parameters as they are extracted from the URL, before any kind of processing has taken place.

In particular, RawPathParams does not perform any percent-decoding.
If you send a request to /address/123%20456/home/789, the RawPathParams for /address/:address_id/home/:home_id will contain the following key-value pairs:

  • address_id: 123%20456
  • home_id: 789

address_id is not 123 456 because RawPathParams does not perform percent-decoding! Therefore %20 is not interpreted as a space character.

There are situations where you might want to work with the raw route parameters, but most of the time you'll want to use PathParams instead—it performs percent-decoding and deserialization for you.


RawPathParams tries to avoid heap memory allocations.
Parameter names are borrowed from the server routing machinery.
Parameter values are borrowed from the raw path of the incoming request.

You might have to allocate when you perform percent-decoding.

  1. PathParams<T> is built on top of RawPathParams