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Framework primitives

Pavex provides a few types, called framework primitives, that just work™️. They are always available to your components as input parameters—you don't have to register a constructor for them, nor mark them as prebuilt.
The framework primitives are:

They represent raw data about the underlying connection (ConnectionInfo), from the incoming request (RequestHead, RawIncomingBody) or from the routing system (AllowedMethods, RawPathParams).

Convenient, but inflexible

As a design philosophy, Pavex strives to be flexible. You should be allowed to customize the framework to your needs, without having to fight against it or having to give up significant functionality.
In particular, you should be able to change the way a certain type is constructed, even if that type is defined in the pavex crate. For example, you might want to change the JSON deserializer used to parse the incoming request body and produce a JsonBody<T> instance.
You lose this flexibility with framework primitives: you can't customize how they are constructed. That's why we try to keep their number to a minimum.