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To make a type injectable, you can register a constructor for it.
Pavex will then invoke your constructor to create instances of that type when needed.


A constructor must satisfy a few requirements:

  • It must be a function, a method or a trait method.
  • It must be public (1), importable from outside the crate it is defined in.
  • It must return, as output, the type you want to make injectable.
    Constructors can be fallible: a constructor for a type T can return Result<T, E>, where E is an error type.
  1. Constructors must be invoked in the generated code. The generated code lives in a separate crate, the [server SDK crate], hence the requirement.

Going back to our User example, this would be a valid signature for a constructor:

// [...]
impl User {
    pub fn extract() -> Self {
        todo!() // Business logic goes here


Constructors can be either sync or async.
Check out the "Sync or async" section in the guide on request handlers to learn when to use one or the other.


Once you have defined a constructor, you need to register it with the application Blueprint:

use pavex::blueprint::constructor::Lifecycle;
use pavex::blueprint::{router::GET, Blueprint};
use pavex::f;

pub fn blueprint() -> Blueprint {
    let mut bp = Blueprint::new();
    bp.constructor(f!(crate::User::extract), Lifecycle::RequestScoped);
    // [...]

Blueprint::constructor takes two arguments:

Alternatively, you could use Blueprint::request_scoped as a shorthand to perform the same registration:

use pavex::blueprint::constructor::Lifecycle;
use pavex::blueprint::{router::GET, Blueprint};
use pavex::f;

pub fn blueprint() -> Blueprint {
    let mut bp = Blueprint::new();
    // [...]

There is a shorthand for each lifecycle: Blueprint::singleton, Blueprint::request_scoped, Blueprint::transient.


Pavex supports three different lifecycles for constructors:

  • Singleton. The constructor is invoked at most once, before the application starts.
    The same instance is injected every time the type is needed.
  • RequestScoped. The constructor is invoked at most once per request.
    The same instance is injected every time the type is needed when handling the same request.
  • Transient. The constructor is invoked every time the type is needed.
    The injected instance is always newly created.

Let's look at a few common scenarios to build some intuition around lifecycles:

Scenario Lifecycle Why?
Database connection pool Singleton The entire application should use the same pool.
Each request will fetch a connection from the pool when needed.
HTTP client Singleton Most HTTP clients keep, under the hood, a connection pool.
You want to reuse those connections across requests to minimise latency and the number of open file descriptors.
Path parameters RequestScoped Path parameters are extracted from the incoming request.
They must not be shared across requests, therefore they can't be a Singleton.
They could be Transient, but re-parsing the parameters before every use would be expensive.
RequestScoped is the optimal choice.
Database connection Transient The connection is retrieved from a shared pool.
It could be RequestScoped, but you might end up keeping the connection booked (i.e. outside of the pool) for longer than it's strictly necessary.
Transient is the optimal choice: you only remove the connection from the pool when it's needed, put it back when idle.

Recursive dependencies

Dependency injection wouldn't be very useful if all constructors were required to take no input parameters. The dependency injection framework is recursive: constructors can take advantage of dependency injection to request the data they need to do their job.

Going back to our User example: it's unlikely that you'll be able to build a User instance without taking a look at the incoming request, or some data extracted from it.

Let's say you want to build a User instance based on the value of the Authorization header of the incoming request.
You could define a constructor like this:

use pavex::request::RequestHead;
// [...]
impl User {
    pub fn extract(request_head: &RequestHead) -> Self {
        todo!() // Business logic goes here

RequestHead represents the incoming request data, minus the body.
When Pavex examines your application Blueprint, the following happens:

  • The reject_anonymous middleware must be invoked. Does reject_anonymous have any input parameters?
    • Yes, it needs a User instance. Do we have a constructor for User?
      • Yes, we do: User::extract. Does User::extract have any input parameters?
        • Yes, it needs a reference to a RequestHead. Do we have a constructor for RequestHead?
          • Etc.

The recursion continues until Pavex finds a constructor that doesn't have any input parameters or a type that doesn't need to be constructed.
If a type needs to be constructed, but Pavex can't find a constructor for it, it will report an error.

Constructors can fail

Constructors can be fallible: they can return a Result<T, E>, where E is an error type.
If a constructor is fallible, you must specify an error handler when registering it with the application Blueprint. Check out the error handling guide for more details.

Invocation order

Pavex provides no guarantees on the relative invocation order of constructors.

Consider the following request handler:

use super::{A, B};
use pavex::response::Response;

pub fn handler(a: A, b: B) -> Response {
    // Handler logic
    // [...]

It injects two different types as input parameters, A and B.
The way input parameters are ordered in handler's definition does not influence the invocation order of the respective constructors. Pavex may invoke A's constructor before B's constructor, or vice versa.

The final invocation order will be primarily determined based on:

  • Dependency constraints.
    If A's constructor takes C as input and C's constructor takes &B as input, B's constructor will certainly be invoked before A's. There's no other way!
  • Borrow-checking constraints.
    If A's constructor takes a reference to C as input, while B's constructor takes C by value, Pavex will invoke A's constructor first to avoid a .clone().

No mutations

Constructors are not allowed to take mutable references (i.e. &mut T) as inputs.
It'd be quite difficult to reason about mutations since you can't control the invocation order of constructors.

On the other hand, invocation order is well-defined for other types of components: request handlers, pre-processing middlewares and post-processing middlewares. That's why Pavex allows them to inject mutable references as input parameters.

Wrapping middlewares

Invocation order is well-defined for wrapping middlewares, but Pavex doesn't let them manipulate mutable references.
Check their guide to learn more about the rationale for this exception.